Spain beat Morocco 2-1 in the Olympic men's football final for the second consecutive time【hongyan】

    NetEase Sports reported on August 6:
    ​At 0:00 Beijing time on August 6, the semifinal of men's football in Paris Olympic Games, Morocco against Spain. The first half of the game referee Tantashe was injured by the fourth official replaced, Barrios fouled the point, Rahimi penalty. Fermin Lopez equalised in the second half and substitute Juanlou Sanchez scored the winner in the 85th minute as Spain beat Morocco 2-1 to advance to the final for the second consecutive Olympic Games, where they will face France.
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    Spain and Morocco have faced each other twice in the men's Olympic Games, with Spain beating Morocco 2-0 in the group stage at the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the two teams also met in the group stage at the 2012 London Olympics and drew 0-0.
    Eight minutes into the first half, Richarsson's free-kick from the front right swung towards the goal and Turners confiscated it before Rahimi rushed to meet it. The 13th minute, Fermin - Lopez in the fight to knock down Taghalin, referee Tantashev has just followed up to the two people in front of the fall in the confrontation of the Puwell from behind hit over; After receiving a short medical treatment on the spot, the referee could not continue to call the game and was replaced by the fourth official Newberg.
    In the 21st minute, Abel - Ruiz crossed the penalty area was cleared, Abel - Ruiz took the ball outside to try to shoot was blocked. In the 23rd minute, Fermin - Lopez's long-range shot was saved by Munir. In the 30th minute, Sergio - Gomez sent a straight pass, Fermin - Lopez kept the ball turned and volley off the line. In the 32nd minute, Bensegierneche volley to the edge of the top of the arc was cleared off the bottom line.
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    In the 33rd minute, Barrios kicked Richasson on the ankle while clearing the ball in the penalty area, the referee first signalled that there was no penalty, and after verifying the situation of Richasson falling in the penalty area, the referee chose to go to the sidelines to check the VAR himself, and then awarded Morocco a penalty. Rahimi converted the penalty to give Morocco a 1-0 lead. In the third minute of stoppage time, Oros received a teammate's diagonal pass on the left side after a volley was saved by Munir. In the 4th minute of stoppage time, Rahimi burst into the right side of the penalty area under the inverted triangle back knock, Ben Segil followed the push shot missed. In the 8th minute of stoppage time, the Spanish team left oblique pass into the penalty area was saved by Munir, and Baena kept up to meet the ball and volley was blocked off the bottom line.
    ​In the second half, the two teams exchanged sides again. In the 50th minute, Akhomac stopped the ball after a long shot missed, and then Spain attacked, Sergio - Gomez also responded with a long shot, which also went off the line. In the 57th minute, Akhomac again attempted a long-range shot over the bar. In the 59th minute, Sergio - Gomez crossed the right, Baena sent straight, the ball came to the left front of the penalty area in the scuffle, Juan - Miranda followed a volley was blocked off the line, but the referee gave the goal.
​In the 66th minute, Bernabe failed to break through in the penalty area, Fermin - Lopez took the ball to the gap after a low shot to equalize the score, 1-1, Fermin was booked for celebrating the goal when a kick broke the corner pole.
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    ​In the 70th minute, Bensegil got the ball in the middle of the penalty area and returned to the top of the arc, and Richard Song volley hit the goal high. In the 77th minute, Bensegil shook a defender in front of the penalty area and fired a low shot wide. 78 minutes, Ashraf in the penalty area, Rahimi inserted the goal was saved, the linesman at the same time raised the flag to signal Rahimi offside. In the 80th minute, the Moroccan defender's clearance was too high to be far, and Fermin Lopez met the ball with a volley that hit the defender off the line. In the 84th minute, Rahimi inverted triangle back knock on the right side of the penalty area, Ben Segil push was blocked, Taghalin keep up with the second point was blocked.
    ​In the 85th minute, Gomez passed back from the right bottom line, Fermin Lopez sent the ball to the penalty area, Juanlu Sanchez pushed the ball into the far corner of the goal, and Spain beat 2-1. In the 88th minute, Aboud cut inside the front of the penalty area after breaking away from the double team and fired a shot slightly high. In the sixth minute of stoppage time, a fan rushed into the field and kicked the ball into the Turners goal, and was then sent off the pitch by security personnel. Spain beat Morocco 2-1 to advance to the final.
    ​Morocco (4231) : 1- Kayove Munir /11- Wahedi, 4- Boukamil (88'15- Mahoub), 17- Azouzi, 2- Ashraf /14- Taghalin, 18- Richazon /16- Aboud, 7- Bensejir, 10- Akhomac /9- Rahimi
    ​Spain (4231) : 1- Tenas /3- Juan Miranda (61'15- Miguel Gutierrez), 5- Kubasi, 4- Eric Garcia, 2- Purver (61'20- Juanlu - Sanchez) /10- Baena (90+1'18- Omorodion), 6- Barrios (61'16- Bernabei) /17- Sergio Gomez 11- Fermin Lopez (88'8- Turrientes), 14- Oros /9- Abel Ruiz