Roque's 26 million euro bonus involves Ballon d 'Or + championship + goal... But only half a year direct rental【hongyan】

Pasted Image    Barca's 19-year-old striker Roque has signed on loan to Betis, who will assume the player's salary and have a buyout option.
    Roque should have joined Barca this summer window, but the Spanish giants chose to let Roque join the team in advance in the winter window last season. After joining Roque was very mediocre, only 16 appearances for Barca, scoring 2 goals, and is now on loan.
    Romano reported at the time that Roque's transfer fee totalled €61 million, with a fixed €30 million + €26 million performance bonus (linked to performance, goals and championships) + €5 million golden goal bonus (won by finishing in the top three Ballon d 'Or).
    In addition, at that time, Roque's termination fee was also set very high, fully 500 million euros.
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