Off to a flying start! Bayern edged Wolfsburg 3-2 Kane create own goal + help Gnabry win Kim Min-jai gift【hongyan】

Live broadcast on August 25, 21:30 Beijing time on August 25, the first round of the 2024-25 Bundesliga League, Bayern vs. Wolfsburg. The first half of the Boi assist Musiara to break the goal, Olesis in the penalty area header hit Kaminski arm, but the referee did not think it was a penalty, Kane also because of the communication to eat yellow card, Bayern 1-0 Wolfsburg temporarily; In the second half, Boi fouled the point, Mayel hit the point, and then Kim Min ai made a mistake, Mayel then the next city, Kane caused Kaminski own goal, and then assisted Gernabry to break, and finally Bayern 3-2 Wolfsburg, harvest the Bundesliga opening.
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    20 minutes, Bayern right drive offensive, Boi burst into the penalty area after passing to the door, Musciara rushed to push the ball into, Bayern 1-0 Wolfsburg. In the 46th minute, Thomas fell in the penalty area under the defense of Boi, the referee awarded a penalty, Boi also got a yellow card. In the 47th minute, Mayeur took a penalty kick, which Neuer guessed the wrong direction and failed to prevent the ball from entering the net, Wolfsburg 1-1 Bayern. In the 55th minute, Kim Min Zai took the ball in the back field was cut off, Wimmer pushed all the way, sent a cross in the penalty area, Mayel pushed the shot, Wolfsburg 2-1 Bayern. 82nd minute, Muller split the ball, Kane resist the opponent to take the ball and then straight, Gnabry small Angle attack, Bayern 3-2 Wolfsburg.
【 Game focus moment 】
    In the 8th minute, Jin Min Zai crossed the penalty area, Hupa clearance error, Neuer will get the ball in time. In the 9th minute, Bayern drove the right offensive, Kane in the penalty area to the ball to the back point, Gnabry shot was blocked by Grabala off the line. In the 13th minute, Bayern took a right corner, the ball was sent to the penalty area, and Kimich's header was saved by Grabala. In the 37th minute, Bayern took a free kick in front of the ball, the ball opened to the penalty area, and the volley shot by Gnabry was confiscated by Grabala. In the 42nd minute, Bayern drove the right offensive, Wolfsburg players in the penalty area did not tip far, Gnabry after the point of the ball small Angle shot a little too much. Or the 50th minute, Wolfsburg counterattack, Mayeur received teammates cross, adjusted low shooting in the far post pop up, teammates made up the shot missed. 57th minute, Musiara received Boi cross, the penalty area volley was when some hit the crossbar pop out. In the 70th minute, Musiara kicked down his opponent and was booked. In the 71st minute, Swanberg pushed Kimish and was booked. The 72nd minute, Wolfsburg front free kick opportunity, the first point was cleared by Bayern, the periphery is still Wolfsburg ball, Maximilian Arnold received a teammate to do the ball, a shot deflected out of the upright. Or in the 72nd minute, the back pass of Hupa was broken, and Berhrens almost missed the chance to shoot a single ball. In the 76th minute, Mayeur collided with Pavlovic and was substituted. In the 80th minute, Kane in the penalty area with a difficult ball turned and shot, which was saved by Grabala. 81st minute, Bayern corner chance, Hupa header high. In the 85th minute, Swanberg moved forward, received a diagonal pass from a teammate in the penalty area, and the volley pad shot was slightly deflected. The second half of the injury time 5 minutes, the end of the game, the final Bayern 3-2 Wolfsburg.