Manchester United new aid Ugarte to shake hands with Scholes, the latter replied: good luck...【hongyan】

Pasted Image    Live on September 2 news Before the start of this round of double red League matches, Manchester United held an appearance ceremony for new aid Ugarte. The Uruguayan midfielder also shook hands with Red Devils legend Paul Scholes on the sidelines.
    Pasted ImageToday, Ugarte posted a framed photo of the two shaking hands, writing: 'Nice to meet you.' Scholes retweeted the story, replying: "Good luck..."
According to reports, Manchester United will pay Ugarte 50 million euros base +10 million euros floating transfer fee, a total price of 60 million euros. The Uruguayan midfielder, 23, joined Paris last summer for 60 million euros transfer fee from Sporting Portugal, Ugarte represented Paris in 37 games last season, contributing 3 assists, the current player De transfer worth 45 million euros.