It's time for Cristiano Ronaldo to retire from the national team.【fangjie】

    Portugal lost to France on penalties in the quarter-finals of the European Championship, and Cristiano Ronaldo failed to score in his last European Championship. Wright, Keane and Neville spoke about Ronaldo on the show and all three agreed it was time for him to give up his international career.

    David Wright: "Portugal will be very disappointed to go out, they actually did very well at both ends. Jota will certainly be disappointed with his lack of opportunities (0 starts, 3 substitutes) and although Cristiano Ronaldo has been great, I don't think he can keep up with this level of football. Ronaldo is still fit and full of motivation, but he has trouble with his feet, shooting and heading and can't get past defenders."
   Keane: "It's time for Cristiano Ronaldo to take a break, retire from the national team, then continue to play club football and see how he is before the World Cup." When Kane is not playing well, he is still present in the game, but if a scorer is' invisible ', the team is equivalent to playing one less man. At the highest level, the team cannot drag any player forward."
   "Cristiano Ronaldo's movement is still good, even against France. He can continue his career, but not the national team, we see a lot of players in the prime of their life quit the national team and it helps them prolong their club career. Take a step back and when you get to the end of your career, you learn from others. You can hinder others and that's not good for the team as a whole."
   Neville: "Ronaldo's strong desire to win, fight and determination are appreciated by many people, but if you look at it from another perspective, is it a bit bossy to his national team teammates, coaches and the whole team?" Some players know when to give up, others don't know and need to be told, but the problem with Cristiano Ronaldo is who tells him, and I don't think Cristiano has that kind of self-knowledge. I'm not going to say how Portugal would have done in the Euros if Jota had started, but Ronaldo's ego did make a big difference, as it did before he left United."