Haverts: It's always nice to score goals as a striker [JIAYU]


In the first round of the Premier League this season, Arsenal won 2-0 against Wolves, Haverts crossed the ball and scored. Speaking in an interview after the game, Haverts said that the excellent pre-season had prepared the team well for the Premier League.
About your goals and assists for the game
Haverts: "When Sacca has the ball in those positions, you know he's a big threat, he can get the ball anywhere you want and I think the timing of that pass and the timing of my run was perfect, so it was a great goal. As a striker, it's always nice to score goals."
"You always want to score goals and contribute to the team with goals and assists, so I'm very happy. It's always great when you have a good feeling, especially in those friendly games. I think we felt really happy with pre-season in general, especially the last two games where we played really well and that prepares you well for the Premier League."