Goodbye De Braun! Want to move to Real Madrid! Willing to take a pay cut, replace Cross, melon can not retain.【fangjie】

     Manchester City was eliminated by Real Madrid in the Champions League this season, and the entire team is also in dispute. A number of players are considering leaving City to start their future careers. But what is more surprising is that de Browne actually suddenly broke the news that he wanted to leave the team.

     This time it is also reported in Manchester that de Browne is now considering leaving. He is also considering taking a pay cut and joining Real Madrid, the news is indeed difficult for many fans to accept. It seems that de Browne is also hoping to join the world's first club and get a good ending at the final stage of his career. Especially after Kroos left Real Madrid this season, Real Madrid's midfield position is indeed a vacant position. De Bruyne would be a seamless addition if he could join.

    And, of late, City have been in great danger because of their previous financial problems. Both are subject to an investigation by the Premier League, the results of which will be published in 2025. So even Melon did not accept Manchester City's contract extension this time, I can see that these big men inside Manchester City. Also have their own ideas, so it seems that de Browne wants to go to Real Madrid is not so incomprehensible things. After all, de Browne is now up in age, joining Real Madrid, learning Beijing Dogan, and realizing his dream at the last moment of his career is completely understandable.

   The manager is also powerless to retain De Bruyne because he is not sure how long he will be in charge. Manchester City also need to spend a lot of money to find a young central midfielder as a successor to de Bruyne.