Friendly Match - Atletico 6-1 Jedji Solot double thanks to junior Santiago Mourinho【hongyan】

Live on August 7 news Friendly football match, Hong Kong Super Jiezhi against Atletico Madrid. In the first half, Atletico's new player Solot scored 2 goals in 2 minutes. Easy side to fight again, Carlos - Martin, Santiago - Mourinho, Nino, Lemar scored four more goals, Sherzold counter-attack shot back a city. Atletico ended 6-1 Jiezhi.
Pasted Image    In the 7th minute, Felix on the left side of the penalty area did the ball after a continuous fake, and the unmarked Sollot in front of the door easily scored the ball, and Atletico led 1-0
    In the 8th minute, the home goalkeeper made a mistake, the ball hit the defender gifts, and Solot calmly fired the ball into the net to give Atletico a 2-0 lead
    In the 51st minute, Riquelme counterattacked with the left side of the ball, passed and shot swept to the back point, and Carlos Martin grabbed the point to score, and Atletico led 3-0
    In the 62nd minute, Atletico kicked out the right corner, Carlos Martin's first header hit the crossbar and bounced, and Santiago Mourinho's easy header in front of the goal was added to give Atletico a 4-0 lead
    The 67th minute, Jiezhi right counterattack break ball opportunity, Sherzod - Temilov shot into the penalty area, Jiezhi 1-4 back a city
    In the 71st minute, Carlos Martin slotted Adrian Nino into the net from a small Angle on the back of an offside position to give Atletico a 5-1 lead
    In the 87th minute, Atletico broke the ball in front of the counterattack, Mosalat fake action shook the defense and hit the door was saved, Lemar followed up with a follow-up goal, Atletico led 6-1
    19 minutes, Jiezhi left puck in the cross, two consecutive points in front of the door no one to the final Jiezhi striker into the ball, but the referee before the goal has sounded the whistle to signal the offensive foul first, the goal is invalid
    In the 45th minute, Jiezhi's counterattack opportunity was destroyed by Atletico's timely return
    In the 88th minute, Riquelme missed a single chance
   【 Information of both parties' debut and replacement 】
    Atletico starters
    Moldovan, Azpilicueta, Witsel, Rainierdo, Llorente, Lino, Koke, Vermeeren, Felix, Correa, Sollot