Copa America - Messi Alvarez scored Argentina 2-0 against Canada【hongyan】

Argentina beat Canada 2-0 with goals from Alvarez and Lionel Messi in the first match of the Copa America semi-finals on July 10 to advance to the final, where they will face the winner of the match between Colombia and Uruguay.
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    In the 22nd minute, Alvarez scored.
    In the 51st minute, Enzo Fernandez pushed a shot and Messi touched the ball into the net at the front of the penalty area.
    Argentina: 23- Emiliano Martinez;4-Montiel (71 '26- Molina), 13-Romero, 25-Lisandro Martinez, 3-Tagliafico (65' 19- Otamendi);11- Di Maria (78 '15- Gonzalez), 7- depaul, 24- Enzo, 20- McAllister (78' 14- Palacios);10- Messi, 9- Alvarez (77 '22- Lautaro)
    Canada) : 16-Kripur;2-Johnston, 13-Cornelius, 15-Pombito, 19-Alfonso Davis (72 '21-Osorio);7- Ostacio (72 '24- Jhoniree), 8- Kone;22- Layah (55 '20- Ahmed), 10- Jonathan Davy (64' 25- Oluvasesi), 14- Schaferborg (55 '23- Miral);Nine - Larin