Champions League - Toure kills Perin saves Juventus 0-1 Stuttgart[weirushui]

In the 86th minute, Danilo dyed red to send the point, Palin saved Millaud's penalty.

Toure scored in the 92nd minute.

Juve starts: 1- Perin, 6- Danilo, 15- Kalulou, 32- Cabal, 37- Savona, 16- McKenney, 21- Faccioli, 19- Kefran Thuram, 7- Koncesan, 9- Vlahovic, 10- Ildiz
Stuttgart starts: 33- Nuber, 4- Wagnaumann, 7- Mittelstadt, 24- Schabot, 29- Ruaud, 6- Stiller, 8- Milo, 16- Carazor, 9- Demirovic, 18- Lewelling, 26- Ondaf